One of my pictures on page two of Nepal’s most read newspaper
Just a short post on some nice news I got as I came back from my weekend trip in rural Nepal. The Kathmandu Post, Nepal’s biggest newspaper, has published on of my photos in it’s sunday edition on page two.
A few days ago I read in the newspaper about a photo competition. It was titled “Find the photo journalist in you” and the theme was “Load Shedds”. (If you are a regular reader of my blog or follow my page on Facebook you know what the story is about. Kathmandu and the rest of Nepal suffers regular power cuts due to the fact that the electricity companies are unable to provide enough power for all. Please read my blog post “Helping orphanage children in Nepal” to find out more about this and other problems here in Nepal.) The newspaper was asking for this contest readers to submit photos of people suffering the load sheds, pictures of people in darkness, struggling with candles or petroleum lights and so on. During my stay here in the orphanage the one situation always impressing me most during the power cuts was to see the children doing their homework and evening devotional by candle light. While this might sound romantic you imagine that this is an awful circumstance if you are forced to this every day. So one day I took the photo you can see in the context of the newspapers article in the picture accompanying this post.
The Kathmandu Post contacted me yesterday to let me know that they will invite me next week to their offices to make an official celebration where I will get a prize as well. The pictures and an article about this celebration will be published the day after in the newspaper. So be prepared to read something more about me in Nepal’s biggest newspaper which is not only read in Nepal but throughout India as well. I am absolutely excited as you can imagine.
Please consider subscribing to my newsletter if you haven’t done so or like my page on Facebook. In my next blog post I will write about the authentic experience y had visiting Hatauda in rural Nepal, close to the boarder with India.
Keep up helping to make this world a better place.
Nos alegramos mucho mucho…un fuerte abrazo de Lanzarote..
Gracias Richard. Me alegro saber que seguís mi historia aquí en Nepal. Ya he visto que en Lanzarote hace un montón de frío también. Bueno, si sufro yo, podéis sufrir vosotros también un poco 🙂
Hola Dani. Sigo tu viaje y te felicito por esta publicación y sobre todo por tu iniciativa solidaria. Conozco de primera mano la sensación que se siente cuando sabemos que estamos haciendo algo desinteresado por los demás, cuando por “pequeño” que sea aportamos algo más que lamentos a este mundo tan injusto para muchos. Desde agosto del año pasado estoy realizando los domingos reportajes fotográficos de carreras de atletismo, los ingresos de mis trabajos van destinados íntegramente a Médicos Sin Fronteras.
Abrazos Dani.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! .. und nun hast du sogar die Möglichkeit landesweit für das Waisenhaus “Werbung zu machen”. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass es Euch viel Unterstützung bringt!